About Me

I have been registered as a Clinical Psychologist since 1986. Apart from working with adults, couples and families, as well as adolescents, I also specialise in working with children. I became involved in psycho-legal work, including residency and contact assessments, as well as abuse assessments. My practice now is primarily focused on psycho-legal and forensic work, while I still continue to offer psycho-therapy to adults, adolescents and children.

I have testified in Magistrate, Regional, Children’s Court and High Court matters across South Africa, as well as having conducted investigations and testified in court internationally.

I am an accredited mediator, specialising in family law mediation, parenting plans and medico-legal disputes. I have also been appointed by the High Court in numerous matters in the quasi-legal role of Parenting Coordinator. In 2016, I was invited to make submissions to the South African Law Reform Commission regarding parenting co-ordination, with a view to new legislation on mediation and parenting co-ordination being drafted.

I have also lectured part-time to Psychology Masters students at the North West University.


In addition to practicing general psychology, working with children, young adults and adults, I also offer speciality services such as psycho-legal assessments, colleague supervision and training.